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AutorenbildT Sport Bernau

#StayHome, #StaySafe, #SaveLives, #ThankYou #Truckers & #KeyWorkers!

Aktualisiert: 11. Apr. 2020

A message and thank you form #AntonioAlbacete!


I’d like to thank you all for staying at home.

As you know, I do so, too.

For now, all races have been stopped.

Let’s hope, we will be racing soon again once this is all over.

By then, I want you all to be out there on the race tracks, to join us back on the circuits to watch the races.

And I want to thank all medical staff and all members of the law enforcement protecting us and giving it all.

And, as the truck race pilot I am, I also want to thank all hauliers.

They are doing a great job making sure we get all basic products we need.

As I said: Stay at home, take care and see you soon!

Thank you!

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